I know that it has been a long time since I have posted or even checked this site.. Actually I forgot I had it..LOL  There has been alot that has happened over the last two years and I really haven’t had time for much. 

Well this is how my last two years have been..  My husband and I got an Ultra Classic that we have been wanting for a long time. We got it in May of 2012 and we had it exactly 3 hours and on our way home a deer decided that it was going to take my husband and the Ultra on head to head.  Well the deer got a way, but my husband had to take the ditch and spent a week in Vanderbilt with sever head trauma. He broke every bone in his face, 6 steal plates and 6 months of having his jaw wired shut.  He is doing alot better now.  The bike got fixed and he got better and we got married in August 2012. He was out of a job for the whole of 2012.  But we made it thru.  My son graduated from the Marine Corp in 2012 and I am Very Proud of him and his accomplishments. That was 2012.

Now to 2013..

Well it was a little better..  My husband got another job and we were doing great until his main nerve in his left arm started to give him problems.  He had to have surgery on it which knocked him out of work for about 3 months.  He got better from that and was working again.  I got my motorcycle license in March and my first bike in June. We were going fine until I found out that I had to have surgery for a female problem.  I have been down since Dec. 16th. and I can’t go back to work until Feb..  I got some really good news, I am going to be a Grandma in late January or early February 2014.  It’s going to be my first grandbaby.. So I am very excited!!! 

Hopefully, 2014 will be a better year than the last two!!


I hope everyone had a great 2013 and I hope that you have an even better 2014!!!

As for the people looking for Dean, as far as I know he is Hamilton, Oh and still pulling his same slime style tricks.  Hate to hear that some one else got suckered by him.  But this is nothing that I want to talk about in 2014.  But here is a little info..  The chick that he has been living with  since 2007 just got arrested for two felonies.  It probably should have been him but he is very slippery when it comes to him taking the fall that should be his.  All I can say on the matter is stay away from him and if you have the misfortune to run into him, run in the opposite direction and for heaven sakes don’t give him any money for work you will just get screwed.

Yep, Dean was very good at suckering people. Would promise you everything for your site or whatever and ask for half the money up front. Then he would give you just enough to sucker you in and then you would not get what you paid for. He has more than one person looking for him about that. And if they ask me, I will let them know exactly where he is and how to find him.

Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year!!!

Everyone be safe out there.

And I hope this year is a lot better than the last two.

There have been a lot of things said about me by the leech.  Well I just have one more thing to say to him.

What goes around comes around.  Everything that you did to me and are still trying to do, is going to come back on you ten fold.  And knowing that, Dean Alan Bloomfield, I can sleep at night and wake up in the morning with a smile on my face.

Oh and by the way, I can prove my work history, but you can’t say the same thing can you.

And to all the people who have sent work his way, think very carefully about doing that.  If he screws over one person that you have sent his way, they will blame you for it, because you referred him.  That puts a black mark on your name, not his.

And with this, I wash my hands of this whole mess.

I told a little bit of information on the leech.  Now here’s some background info on him, that some people may find interesting.  I had a very extensive background check done on him. 

This is only some of the lies that he likes to tell people.

That he is an alumnus of Ohio State.  Well, Ohio State has never heard of him and they have no record of him ever attending the college.  And neither has Berkley.  Oh and if he tries to say it was Miami University, not the other two, they haven’t heard of him either.  To be honest he quit school in the eighth grade.  He never attended any college, let alone graduated from one.  The only thing he has done, is read a lot.  He thinks he is the only smart person in the world and everybody else is stupid.  He said that a lot.  He has also been known to print degrees off the computer and pass them off as his own. 

All you real military vets will like this one.  He claims to be an army vet,  101st Airborne to be exact.  Well, he did take basic training, but he couldn’t handle it and got himself kicked out about halfway through.

When his grandfather passes away, he will own a whole town in Kentucky.  Let’s see now what town is it: Owensboro, Owenton, or Owensville.  Ah hell, I don’t remember, it changes every time he tells it.  Well, the truth is Grandpa use to own some land in Kentucky, but he sold it a long time ago.  And if he talks about his other Grandpa, that property was sold a very long time ago too.

Well that is some of the ones that I remember, but basically everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.  You know what I’m talking about, the check is always in the mail.

He also finds someone else to blame, if his work doesn’t do what he tells his clients it will.  He will also tell them that he sent the information with his last email as an attachment and doesn’t actually send it.

The next part will be about his police record, which involves several states.

Well, let’s start with the no good, lyin’, cheatin’, back stabin’, no job havin’, inconsiderate, no teeth, leech that was livin’ off of me for the past eight years. 

Yeh, he may have had a job a couple times during that eight years, but it would only last about six months max, if that long.  He couldn’t hold a job longer than that, because his clients would find out that he was lyin’ his ass off about what he could do.  (He lost us a house with 30 acres that had horses, donkeys, chickens, and goats.  All because of his lies.)  Or he would work up a bid on a site and tell the people what they wanted to hear, talkin’ and emailin’ them all the time.  Then he would ask for half the money up front, give them  just enough to make them think he was doin’ something.  Then he would stop answering their emails and their phone calls. 

Does he sound familiar yet?  Well I have more to tell, maybe he will by the end of this.

In his field, they call him a guru, but all he is, is a fraud.  He reads other peoples work and research, then he changes a couple of things and he passes it off as his own.  He talks a really good game, but all he is after is the money.  No ifs ands or buts about it.  And he doesn’t care who he has to hurt or what lies he has to tell to get it. 

And the part about he doesn’t care who he hurts to get what he wants, let me tell you about that.  Like I said earlier, we were together for eight years.  Come to find out he was cheating on me the whole time, and I believed his lies.  That is just how good a liar he is.  He tore apart two families and I mean tore them apart.  He left my two kids and me homeless, with no place to go.  Didn’t even care, that we had no place to go (He was actually laughing when he left).  He didn’t pay the rent for about six months before he left.  Didn’t find out that little piece of info til my landlord stopped by.  He said that he paid it.  Turns out that he used the money for our rent to rent a house with a two timing sl*t, that did the same thing to her husband.  Her husband was a friend of his that gave him, me, and my two kids a place to live for two years, when I was off work with two shoulder surgeries.  Come to find out they were cheating on us with each other the whole time.  The leech finally convinced the sl*t to leave her husband and to make her husband sell their house, so the leech and the sl*t could have the money.  But it is nice to see that he has not changed.  He is now doing her the same way he did me.  All the money (12,000) from the sale of the house, they went thru in three months.  Now they are living off her check, because his checks are always in the mail.  That is a lie I heard often.  Hope she believes his lies and waits on those checks, cause they are never coming.  But he may con someone else into sending him a check, but they are very few and far between.

Oh and by the way, the friend that the leech screwed over was my brother.  My brother is a man who would give anyone the shirt off his back and not even think twice about doing it.  He would help anyone that needed it, and often does.  He treated the leech like a brother, and look what that got him. 

But one thing the leech doesn’t understand with his superior brain, is that my brothers ex-wife has been cheating on him with my brother and has been with him several times.  I guess the leech isn’t bringing in enough money for her, she goes where the money is every time. Or she has figured out that the so-called green grass she left for, was actually a leech field and she is knee-deep in it.  But I don’t feel sorry for her, she is getting exactly what she deserves.  And  he will leave her as high and dry as he left me, just as soon as he finds someone with more money and gullible enough to believe his lies and bullsh*t.

You may think this is the rantings of a scorned woman, but it isn’t.  I just feel sorry for anyone that gets involved with him or her.  And to give a warning to anyone in the internet business who hires him.

If anyone can figure out who the leech is you are more that welcome to post the name or his call sign.

I’ve had alot of things happen over the last couple of years that took me away from my blog.  Well I’m back and I’m ready to vent.

I’m going to have so much fun and the ones that pissed me off, get ready, I’m tellin it all.

This is from my nephew.  They had been pinned down and couldn’t find the sniper.  One of the guys saw the flash from the sniper’s gun and this is what happened to the sniper.

Well, Wednesday morning I went out to start my car, because it had iced that night.  The door was frozen shut so I tapped around the door like I was taught to do and the door opened.  I started the car and shut the door.  I went back in the house and got my stuff.  I got in the car and the door was hard to shut, I didn’t think to much about it and went to work.  When I turned in the parking lot at work (which is 35 miles from home) the drivers door flew open.  I parked the car, got out shut the door and it wouldn’t close.  I tried to shut it a little harder this time and it still would not shut.  I was running late so I went on in.  At lunch I came out and the door was open.  I tried working the door handle and the lock, it still would not close.  A couple of the guys I work with said that they would look at it after work, they did and it was the latch. It was broke, we couldn’t fix it.  So after about 30 minutes, we had to tie the door shut with me in the car.  I had to hold the door shut all the way home. 

When I got home, I found out that the tire on my truck was flat.  I had to call my brother and ask him to come over and try to fix it.  I had to take the day off work to get my truck fixed, so I can get to work.  I lost a days pay which really sucks swamp water.  With what I make, I can’t afford taking off a day.  I still have to get the car fixed and that is about $300.  That is a paycheck and an additional $50.

This week has just sucked.  I hope someone else had a better one. 

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